ULAPI  8.0
datasources Directory Reference


file  ulaspect.cpp
 The implementation of the ULAspect class.
file  ulaspect.h [code]
 The interface for the ULAspect class.
file  ulcase.cpp
 The implementation of the ULCase class.
file  ulcase.h [code]
 The interface for the ULCase class.
file  uldatasource.h [code]
 The interface for the ULDataSource class.
file  ulderivation.cpp
 The implementation of the ULDerivation class.
file  ulderivation.h [code]
 The interface for the ULDerivation class.
file  uldictionary.h [code]
 The interface for the ULDictionary class.
file  uldictionarydatasource.h [code]
 The interface for the ULDictionaryDataSource class.
file  uldictionarydescriptor.cpp
 The implementation of the ULDictionaryDescriptor class.
file  uldictionarydescriptor.h [code]
 The interface for the ULDictionaryDescriptor class.
file  uldictionaryiterator.cpp
 The implementation for the ULDictionaryDataSourceIterator class.
file  uldictionaryiterator.h [code]
 The interface for the ULDictionaryDataSourceIterator class.
file  uldictionarynode.cpp
 The implementation of the ULDictionaryNode class.
file  uldictionarynode.h [code]
 The interface for the ULDictionaryNode class.
file  ulexample.cpp
 The implementation of the ULExample class.
file  ulexample.h [code]
 The interface for the ULExample class.
file  ulfeature.cpp
 The implementation of the ULFeature class.
file  ulfeature.h [code]
 The interface for the ULFeature class.
file  ulfeaturetype.cpp
 The implementation of the ULFeatureType class.
file  ulfeaturetype.h [code]
 The interface for the ULFeatureType class.
file  ulformality.cpp
 The implementation of the ULFormality class.
file  ulformality.h [code]
 The interface for the ULFormality class.
file  ulgender.cpp
 The implementation of the ULGender class.
file  ulgender.h [code]
 The interface for the ULGender class.
file  ulinflectionrule.cpp
 The implementation of the ULInflectionRule class.
file  ulinflectionrule.h [code]
 The interface for the ULInflectionRule class.
file  uljsondictionarydatasource.cpp
 The implementation for the ULJSONDictionaryDataSource class.
file  uljsondictionarydatasource.h [code]
 The interface for the ULJSONDictionaryDataSource class.
file  uljsondictionaryiterator.cpp
 The implementation of the ULJSONDictionaryIterator class.
file  uljsondictionaryiterator.h [code]
 The interface for the ULJSONDictionaryIterator class.
file  ullanguagedatasource.h [code]
 The interface for the ULLanguageDataSource class.
file  ulmood.cpp
 The implementation of the ULMood class.
file  ulmood.h [code]
 The interface for the ULMood class.
file  ulnumber.cpp
 The implementation of the ULNumber class.
file  ulnumber.h [code]
 The interface for the ULNumber class.
file  ulpartofspeech.cpp
 The implementation of the ULPartOfSpeech class.
file  ulpartofspeech.h [code]
 The interface for the ULPartOfSpeech class.
file  ulpartofspeechcategory.cpp
 The implementation of the ULPartOfSpeechCategory class.
file  ulpartofspeechcategory.h [code]
 The interface for the ULPartOfSpeechCategory class.
file  ulpartofspeechsubcategory.cpp
 The implementation of the ULPartOfSpeechSubcategory class.
file  ulpartofspeechsubcategory.h [code]
 The interface for the ULPartOfSpeechSubcategory class.
file  ulperson.cpp
 The implementation of the ULPerson class.
file  ulperson.h [code]
 The interface for the ULPerson class.
file  ultense.cpp
 The implementation of the ULTense class.
file  ultense.h [code]
 The interface for the ULTense class.